Friday, May 22, 2009

Drake at SOB's in NYC

Just so you know what time it is. Drake, one of Lil Wayne's artists and one of the most popular underground artists at the moment, is going to be at SOB's this Tuesday.

Tickets have been SOLD OUT for at least two weeks!!! and this is a new talent showcase guys, NOT some main concert!!! That's how big he is rite now.

Anyhu check out the flyer....... i'm working on getting some exclusive pics for you guys....... so check back on the site next Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Don't mess wid her man! La La Vazquez takes a swing.....

I don't usually report this kinda stuff but this lil bit of info i came across did tickle me!

La La Vazquez, reality T.V. host and DJ, apparently swung for one of the Dallas fans at the Nuggets v. Mavericks game last night, whilst trying to watch her fiancee of 4 years, Carmelo Anthony, play ball. During a game that was overshadowed by verbal abuse from the stands and a whole lotta hostility........... she was asked to leave by security!

The funniest thing about this is that last night, at the same time she was trying to smash a bish........ i was watching her on "Charm School 3" as one of the judges (for those that don't know the show is about changing slutty women with no manners, into elegant young ladies with manners)............ I think the word HYPOCRITE should spring to mind. How you gona be lecturing these gurls from VH1's"Rock of Love 3" and "Real Chance of Love" on how to be a lady if you can't even control your damn self??

Anyways, there have been no reports that she actually connected............ unlike Beverly (Rock of Love 3) who "punched" Brittany Star (also of Rock of Love 3) in the back of the head and then grabbed her hair, only to end up expelled within hours of the show starting! I wonder if La La will also get the boot for failing to act like a lady and take the moral high road?? (I very much doubt it...... reality T.V. reveals everything except what happens in real life!)

Anyways I just thought i'd expose yet another falsity of reality T.V. not only is it all staged ...... no one is really looking for love and none of the contestants ever end up with the celeb...... but in addition the hosts are hypocrites.

Some might say her actions were justified, as she was apparently being verbally abused by the fans....... but somehow i don't think that trying to slap a bish is the right response...... do you???

Cherie Amour

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cassie: Empathise or .....roll your eyes?

Ok, when the news hit twitter last night at about 2am that there were naked pics of Cassie circulating around the internet I was locked in. At first it was the pic of her titties, one of which is pierced, and to be honest she had nothing to feel bad about cos shes small... but i gta say she has a nice pair! (no homo!) lol, Anyhu im not going to post the link cos if you haven't seen it already or can't find it then....... theres no hope for you......... cos there's such a thing as google!

Anyways.... Cassie put out a statement, on her twitter, mad quick, saying:


At this point I really felt for her. But then it just got worse...... a new one came out a few hours later. The image: CASSIE LAYING DOWN, LEGS SPREAD, vag-j-j all out n shit!! Unfortunately i have actually seen it ...................boi did i get more than i bargained for! My first thoughts were : errrgh! then....... "OMG i would be mortified".......... then "why the fuck would you even take a pic like that and send it to ANYONE??" especially if your famous??

You see this is the thing if your a celeb,........ you know people are NOT going to keep shit to themselves, you should just know better than to put yourself into this kind of a position (no pun intended!) I wanted to feel sorry for her, and i still do but i can't help but think that if you take these kind of pics and somehow they get out......... you kind of deserve it! Mainly because only a fool would ever think that they would never, in a million years, get out! One day that guy/gurl to took them for is gna get pissed at you or just be a little broke and BAM........ that's what happens!

Is it just me or do you share this feeling? Fair enough I haven't heard her complaining to much about it as yet, but I just think that you can't ask anyone to cry for you cos you did it to yourself kind of thing!

Anyway the EXTREMELY VALUABLE LESSON here is that, you should NEVER do anything that could come back to haunt you in the future! Think before you take pics of your vag for your boyfriend, cos no matter who you are............. you'll never know who you'll end up being and how it could affect.... and possibly RUIN you in the future.

As for Cassie, I hope there's no more to come, for her sake..... and mine! At least there's a silver lining....... she definately just topped Rhianna as the most talked about urban artist in the game! Kudos!

Let me know if you agree? Did she deserve it? or should we blame the evil mofo that was malicious enough to leak them? .................or did she leak them? I heard she got an album comin out this summer.......

Cherie Amour

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Be a power couple!

So im flickin through some celeb news and i stumble across a couple that inspires me..... and unlike some (*coughs** Kelis n Nas) are NOT getting divorced (well not that i know of!).......Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith (pic by Kevin Winter/Getty Images) who were in Beverley Hills on Tuesday night at the Simon Wiesenthal Centre's Annual Tribute Dinner, along with the likes of Tyrses Gibbons and Charlize Theron.
See the thing I like about this couple is they are a power couple!! He is a strong, independent, go-getter, motivated man and she is a get-what-i-want, no messing, passionate, hard-working woman! Together this equals a power couple...... and you know what people.... the only way you can move up in this world and keep climbing that ladder, is to be with someone who is ready to help you to that next step and work with you to knock down the next barrier!

Here's my point, when your looking for someone to spend your life with, you need to see if they have the same goals you have...... no scratch that they need to have higher goals than yours!!! That way you know that the sky is the limit! It may be hard to understand or sound like im not making any real point when i put it this way.... but let put it in negative terms: If your with a guy that doesn't want to get his ass up and strive for more...... if he's content in that house, driving that car, having that job forever...... whilst you are fighting for a promotion when half the office are trying to stab you in the back and working in the mall so you can get that new Mercedes you've had you eye on........**NEWS FLASH** he is NOT the one for you.

If your a go-getter you need a go-getter.......... because your only aspiration should be, to be one half of a power-couple! (I'm not being funny but if your not that kind of a person..... gd luck to ya!.... cos lifes a bitch!) Here's the thing if you have to motivate him all the time...... that's energy that you could be using to better yourself...... essentially being wasted! (feel me?) Why would you want to have to wake someone up in the morning, when you could have someone wake you up and remind you to keep up the good work?

What i'm saying is that couples like Will and Jada will always be ahead of the game because two heads are better than one! As Neyo says "I'm a movement by myself, but I'm a FORCE when we're together.... la la la la make me better!" That's the point!!! in a relationship you have to be with someone that makes you a better person..... a stronger person.... a more successful person!

Anyhu the lesson in this is that if your in a relationship where a person can not make you better, and i'm not talking material things...... im not saying he gotta buy you a car!..... what I'm saying is if when you look at him/her and that persons actions you don't feel motivated or like you can go the extra mile..... then i think you have to ask yourself if you are limiting your growth? and if that is the kind of relationship you want to be in?!

Be a power couple...... cos when your down, at least you know there will be someone to pick you back up!

Cherie Amour

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gotti's wife has had enough......but when is enough, enough?

Last nyt I turned on the T.V. and found yet another reality show had managed to find its way to the air..... "Gotti's Way 2," not that i ever knew there was a "Gotti's Way 1," but whatever! Anyways I tuned in and gave it at least 60% of my attention to find that it was actually a little interesting, not because Irv Gotti is trying to re-establish himself as a hip hop mogul, but because of the obvious serious issues between him and his wife.

O.K. so get this..... first of all they have been SEPERATED for 7 YEARS!! Yes, i'm being dead serious! Apparently he comes at the weekend, to spend time with his kids, they play happy familys for a few days then he goes back to be a single, childless bachelor on Monday morning.

If you think that part was bad...... it gets WORSE......When he comes home at the weekends his wife, Debbie, actually allows him to sleep with her. Now at first I thought this woman is just a damn fool, becuase she knows and he is pretty open, (on the show) about sleeping around. But after I listened to her session in therapy, where she described her staying as being less about wanting to be with him, and more about "being afraid" to move on, I totally got her and felt her pain...... Seriously i nearly cried....... and this is just reality T.V.!!!!

So here's the thing I think that the show is worth watching and more importantly I think that there are millions of women both young and old who can learn something form this. I think that when you are in a relationship where you are staying because of a fear of leaving it is very important to face that fact. Don't sugar coat it and allow false hope to lure you into a land of limbo where he controls how you live your life.

Ladies if your with a guy, "for the children" i get it, hell if my parents were to ever split up i know i would beg them to stay together, even though i'm an adult AND i know its selfish....... so i respect those women who are just trying to make their family work, for the sake of all involved. However I think there's a point at which it becomes destructive. If you get to the point where he is sooo comfortable with you being THERE, just there, at his will that he doesn't even to pretend that he's working at it with you..... then you need to pick yoursef up, look in the mirror and ask yourself if this is really how you want to spend the rest of your life??

I'm pretty sure the answer will be no, and after that, its just a matter of staying strong. I think you have to just remember that love shouldn't cost you your dignity and your happiness!

If on the other hand you don't have kids, and your just like I love him...... and he's treating you like this, openly sleeping with other women, you need to take a good look in the mirror and ask yourself why exactly your still in that relationship? Please don't get it confused, if he cheats and you cheat and the relationship has "fringe benefits" for both of you...... DO YOU! but if on the other hand..... you get in at night and cry yourself to sleep, wake up in the morning and hate what you have been reduced to for love..... then i suggest that you write a list of all the things you are losing, missing out on and sacraficing everyday for this man...... then find a way out. Pin the list to your mirror and everytime you cry look at yourself dead in the eye, read that list......and you'll find yourself asking a new question: "Why am I crying?"

Hopefully you ladies and Deb will realise that a destructive relationship WILL destroy you! So you have a choice ......... be true to yourself ......or lose yourself!
Cherie Amour
**Pic courtesy of VH1**

Monday, May 4, 2009

Kelis and Nas....... and Divorce..... :o(

OK, so all day the only thing i have been seeing is this KELIS and NAS divorce thing! I tried to ignore it though its obviously true..... and when i saw divorce papers they made me cringe!!! For two reasons:

1, They were Hot Damn FABULOUS!!! they were one of the first DECENT black hip hop couples that I both respected and had on my ipod. They were cute together, drama free and seemed so happy..... they could almost convince you that there really was such thing as a happy ending.

2, They kept most of their ish private and kept it 100! Plus lets face it they looked good together and don't really deserve this kind of a breakup...... it just seems so messy and sordid!!

Anyhu i suppose the reality of being a superstar kicked in and...... the shit hit the fan! It appears that KELIS filed for the divorce after her and Nas could no longer hold it together due to the sex tape of Kelis and a nameless DJ was leaked (which she says was made before they were together.... and I believe her). I haven't seen the vid and obv would not want to..... I don't understand why anyone would do leak a video like that or even put it out there, when its clearly only going to have a destructive effect on peoples lives?? At least with Paris Hilton there was no way people could lose any more respect for her...... thus the release of that tape was totally beneficial to her!

Here's the thing.... it seems like this sex tape is one of the main reasons that they are having to get divorced..... thus one can legitimately assume that if SOME people were not soooo cruel and self centered and ........... evil (yea, that describes it) then maybe the child she is expecting could have grown up in a much different world to the one he/she will be welcomed into on July 21st (date she expected to have the lil sprog)

Its like........... their whole "irreconcilable" difference is the tape cos its caused Nas so much embarrassment but the thing is........ if its in the past and its out there already what difference does it make??? Seriously..... you already married her, you are going to have a child with her..... you will HAVE to accept that she will be connected to you through your child for the rest of your life..... like why can't you just let the past be the past and get over it??? Listen guys..... if ur wifey made a sex tape but has done 100 million good things since and your relationship is LIGE (legitimate for those not with the London slang) then why are you holdin it against her???? Sex is not so much of a taboo now-a-days that a happy home needs to be wrecked just cos it was taped............. (c'mon man.....)

Im not saying that the tape is the ONLY reason their getting divorced cos lord knows.... im not a fly-in-the-wall in their yard but ....... if it is the MAIN reason why can't they both get over it ..... marriage is about getting through the tough times..... ain't it??? Didn't they say for better or for worse???? Yea this is probably worse than you thought it may get but take one for the team man..... ok im off point anyhu.........

I just hate to see such a nice couple, that seem so well suited, ripped apart at the hands of some nobodies who have nothing better to do than ruin other peoples lives..... plus like I said sex tapes aren't that big of a deal anymore..... who hasn't got one???

Oh well, boys n gurls ............. i suppose the lesson we can all learn today is that you better think about the shit you do when your young before you do it..... cos it may just come back round one day and bit u in the ass................ or perhaps ........ ruin your whole life!!

Let me know what you guys think on the whole thing..... sex tapes? divorce? the lot! (comment below)

Cherie Amour

Monday, April 27, 2009

Groupie love?

Before you read this post just know that if sex and celebs offends you........ u need to click the little "x" icon and get away from this blog posting. SEX and CELEBS are today's hot topic!!.......

So as usual i found myself without anything to do at some point between my bacon sandwich and my migraine, which is taking the piss outta my life at the moment...... anyway i stumbled across another blog, about groupies!!!

Although i am aware that groupies exist it never occurred to me that hearing there point of view would be so damn funny! If you haven't already i urge you to read the ones about Jim Jones and Jay-Z. I have no idea if they are true or false..... but they are fuckin hilarious!!!

From an anonymous female about Jay:

"he screams like a bitch when he busts. It's horrible. He has a big, humungous dick and has no idea what to do with it."

LMAO! Like i said i have no idea if this is true and i'm not sayin it is, but all i know is the tales had me in stitches! Especially the one about Jackie-O:

"She was like "suck my toes" I love it when a man does that. Of course, I did it even though I'm not really into that. After a few minutes of that, she turned in doggy style position. I was thinking I was about to get it in. Then she was like "now eat from behind". I did it, but immediately she was like "No, the other hole". I felt like I lost my manhood that night. She was so bossy."

If that don't have you on ur ass, crakin up i don't know what will.

Here's my thing though.... there are sooo many gurls that wana be groupies and follow these celebs around like they shit silver and gold, when in fact you may end up wid sweet FA.

Just cos he (or she) is a celebrity and dey look cute on T.V. or even in person, does NOT mean that they are shit when it comes to the bedroom. Dudes are dudes..... a celeb is jus as likely to be rubbish in bed as any other guy, hell they are probably more likely to be WACK, cos they have that status, and for some people that alone is enough!

On the plus side it appears that plenty of these celebs like to "go down" if you know what i mean so at least (if your smart) you'll get a little suttin out of it!

Anyway to all you ladies who fantasise about having sex with a celeb, or more than one celeb, i suggest you do your research before you giv it up for what could be a less than one minute buss and not even cab fare home!!

Oh and just in case you forget that celebrities are MOST likely to have those things called STD's i suggest you make sure that mofo wraps up!!! Although if he doesn't you may be able to sue him for assault or something!

Anyhu the lesson is that its not just regular men who are shit in bed.... celebs can be too!! Don't be fooled by the detailed lyrics or swag.......... looks can be decieving

If you have had any similar experiences feel free to share here or at the blogspot mentioned above..... if you have had similar experiences with normal guys that have been just as traumatic or possibly fantastic feel free to share those too.

Post it as a comment or e-mail me at:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Celebs are taking over the world!!!!

OK is it me or are celebrities literally taking over the WORLD!!! Alright maybe that is a slight exaggeration but it is at least true in regards to the entertainment industry. So yea, your a music artist but why o why does this give you an automatic pass to be an actor???? I get it, there kina closely linked and maybe some artists are better at acting than making music, ....... or at least some of them are as GOOD at it. However I don't think i'm stating the OBVIOUS when i say that some of the artists jumping on the acting bandwagon OBVIOUSLY CAN NOT ACT!!! and really should not try! I say i'm not stating the obvious because clearly someone missed the memo!!!

Here's a short list of my problems with this whole thing:
1 - Some of them are WACK and the movie industry is suffering as a result..... which also has a detrimental effect on my wallet. If I PAID to go see a movie that was incredibly DOWNGRADED and............ in actuality RUINED by your presence........... you wasted my money........ u single handedly took the piss out of my life by messin wid a poor person in a RECESSION!!! which is unquestionalby a PROBLEM!

2 - If your an artist and your successful, don't you fink its selfish of you to take a role that some other poor sod, who probably when to acting school for 3 years and had to take countless humiliating roles just to get a foot-in-the -door, could have gotten!

3- I may like you as an artist but it doesn't mean i wana see your face all the fuckin time!!! (it's emotional !) I see on on MTV, then abc on an advert or something, i walk out ma house and your on a billboard, then........... i sit down with a bag of popcorn, some butter and a few packets of sugar i plan to dash all over that popcorn, just for good measure........ i take a deep breath, relax ma whole body................look up at the screen and.............. BOOM there you are AGAIN! seriously need i say more........... no!!! just no!!!! it is not OK for you to be the only thing shoved in peoples faces 24 hours a day.

4- Just to mention something i think some celebs are missing!!!............ there is such a thing as OVEREXPOSURE!!!! and its NOT a good thing!

This all comes from this whole thing about Rhianna being rumoured to be in "The Bodyguard" and "Charlies Angels." ..................... OK i've actually run out of things to say at this point......... the only thing i can think of is ...............WHY???? Meanwhile Beyonce hasn't stopped making movies since that whole jennifer hudson, oscar thing happened.......... (I haven't seen any of her movies, so i refrain from casting judgement, plus she deserves respect, at a minimum, merely because she manages to keep out of every kind of "drama" and keeps her private life private!) Anyway......

They all go yea its a natural progression..... but uh, actually its not! the proof is in the pudding i can name quite a few artists that have gone into acting and clearly NOT had a clue what the word ACT actually means............... just so your know...... acting does not typically include totally being yourself, with no display of different emotions and simply being in front of a camera ............. that is actually just another form of self indulgent reality TV!

Is it just me or is it totally wrong for these handful of celebs to be trying to take over the whole industry????????

I think that in this instance its the celebrities that could learn a lesson......... if you can ACT don't act! It's better to just be remembered as a really good artist rather than ......... "the artist that tried to be an actor then failed and had to go back to being an artist!! (all the money you made from the movies will probably go towards reversing the psychological trauma.............. via intensive therapy!! which = a total waste of time!)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Reality = BULL!!!

I'm sorry but i can't quite understand why we are at the point where the media of the day would rather put some nobody, who doesn't mind making a fool of themselves on national TV rather than using the airtime to actually do some good, you know like raise the educating level of our deeply fucked up and overwhelmingly ignorant teens.

NO NO NO instead they suffocate us with reality series after reality series, all of which aim and successful manage to provide us with absolutely NO USEFUL INFORMATION!!!!! (this is emotional for me) I can not quite understand why people like heidi montang and spencer pratt (really don't care if i've misspelt their names) are invited to public events...... like really what have you done to deserve a seat anywhere except jerry springer??!!

This whole trend of finding love on T.V. has me as confused as ever......... firstly why the hell does anyone give a shit if bret micheals finds love????? Was there a national survey that asked "do you give a rats ass if new york finds love?" i don't think so...... thus my question is WHY O why DO THEY CONTINE TO PUMP OUT THE SAME OLD SHIT!!!!! The hurtful thing is its so incredibily obviously that everyone on these shows is simply there to find FAME or increase record sales...... seriously im surprised how many people buy into this stuff.

Here's the thing that everyone seems to be missing, by putting these what-less, useless, permiscuious people on T.V you are doing two things: firstly.... putting them on T.V.!!!! which means that you are portraying a certain image........ people say that hip hop can corrupt people..... but i don't hear anyone complaining half as loudly about MTV and VH1 having a million and one shows that showing women being exploited and exploiting themselves..... fuck it i don't even care if they are being exploited.... cos most of them sign up for it and i dare say get off on the attention................... what does bother me is that the image of what a woman needs to aspire to to become.... newsworthy or at the very least "interesting" is .............dumb and willing to bear all on que or just say some shit that is sooooo retarted that everyone will listen out of pure shock and horror that anyone could really utter such garbage!

Secondly you are giving a voice to people who do not need to be heard! Yes i sadi DO NOT NEED TO BE HEARD!!!! no one wants to know how many dumb things some randm blond stripper can say in one sentence, no one cares (or should care) if some guy who can not string a sentence together is going out with an equally unimportant and underwhelmingly significent individual! These people say NOTHING of any value...... they use their status to do NOTHING good, (and if they d charity work i truly belive its cos their PR people tell them to) so why o why do we give them a voice????????? and continue to listen?? I know its entertaining for a second or two but in the long run the negative effects of this stuff is goin come back and kick us in the ass!!

Further still i fail to understand why even celebs who you credit witha whiff of sense (i shal mention no names) decide to jump on the band wagon instead of coming up with something..... anything mildly more useful and meaningful!

There is no lesson here to learn only my view that this reality T.V. foolishness needs to stop, someone needs to stand up and prevent this nonsense from becoming the "norm" before we av this shit showing at 6pm on nickelodeon or disney channel! cos im not even playin but the sexual content and expletives in these shows are ridicuous, ............... some of this shit is soft porn and last time i checked that should not be on T.V. before midnight or at least 11.00pm!!!!

I think some celebs need to take a leaf out of T.I's book and come up with an riginal concept that its entertaining as well as useful to the wider community! Stop being so damn lazy and just take a minute to THINK!

Twitter celeb-style

So you've heard of this thing called twitter right?...... O.K. and at the moment its the way celebs are communicating with their audience and in some people's opinion controlling their media. Anyways today i couldn't have been anymore bored and so have been following "ludajuice" aka ludacris on twitter. He has this whole "Battle of the Sexes" album that he's working on anyway i think its everyday he asks this random question: Today's was:

" Battle of the Sexes Q of the day: what is the worst thing you have done to get revenge on your Man/Woman when they made u Mad?"

The responses are a little crazy .e.g.
I got my ex fired from his job so he owuldn't have any money to take another girl out."

@ludajuice my friend told her ex he could go to eBay and bid like every1 else if he wanted his clothes and shiz back."

The thing that I find fascinating about this is that ludacris is actually managing to get people to actually come up with ideas and concepts that he can put into his own music and then sell back to them(with a reasonable mark up)!!! I have to say the man is a friggin genius! The benefits to him are two fold, not only is he getting all of these fantastic ideas, from other people, who will never get a penny for thier thoughts, ............he is also managing to reel people in and get them to anticipate his new album more cos they probably have a rough idea of what the material will relate to, thus feeling more connected to the music and a part of the creative process!!

Life-style Lesson:
OK so the lesson i'm learning form this whole thing is that all media and waves of communication can be used to benefit you. If you unsure of something put it out there and see what the universe via twitter has to say....... what's the worst that could happen???? I twitter and most of the time i say absolutely nothing that will make me money......... anyhu it's just a thought so atke it as you will.

The only thing i wana know is if people think this kind of stuff is good or bad for the public??

Personal view:
I think he's a genius for finding a way to broaden the amount of creative input he gets, so that his album makes sense to more people than it otherwise would. And quite frankly it can do no harm so WTF...... let it be!

My point is if you twitter at least do it with a purpose, not just for sake of it!!! Diddy, luda the lot of them all make money off this ish........... if you wana have that celeb-lifefyle i suggest you look a little depper and follow the money making initatives they exhibit rather than simply payin attention to the butt........ i mean shoes they be wearin!! ;o)

Cherie Amour

What it do.......?!

So i'm at the point in my life where I spend more of my time at a computer doing things i do not want to do, instead of being out and about enjoying life. This is, of course the point in a young woman's life when she beings........... to blog!!

I follow twitter and facebook, though myspace is a little too much effort for me, and I read alot about this celeb and that celeb and its all pretty factual stuff, just keeping you up-to-date with who's been where, said what and fucked who.......

I have to be honest i don't particularly care, but then again who really does! I think this whole obsession with celebrities is simply a way to disregard the problems and obstacles in one's own life and project your deepest darkest insecurities onto someone else. However, I must admit I'm at the point where i no longer wish to worry about my problems and thus i shall begin to deflect my own criticisms onto some one else via blogging!!!

This should be fun.........
Creative Commons License
Life-style Lessons, Celeb-style by Cherie Amour is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at
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