Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Twitter celeb-style

So you've heard of this thing called twitter right?...... O.K. and at the moment its the way celebs are communicating with their audience and in some people's opinion controlling their media. Anyways today i couldn't have been anymore bored and so have been following "ludajuice" aka ludacris on twitter. He has this whole "Battle of the Sexes" album that he's working on anyway i think its everyday he asks this random question: Today's was:

" Battle of the Sexes Q of the day: what is the worst thing you have done to get revenge on your Man/Woman when they made u Mad?"

The responses are a little crazy .e.g.
I got my ex fired from his job so he owuldn't have any money to take another girl out."

@ludajuice my friend told her ex he could go to eBay and bid like every1 else if he wanted his clothes and shiz back."

The thing that I find fascinating about this is that ludacris is actually managing to get people to actually come up with ideas and concepts that he can put into his own music and then sell back to them(with a reasonable mark up)!!! I have to say the man is a friggin genius! The benefits to him are two fold, not only is he getting all of these fantastic ideas, from other people, who will never get a penny for thier thoughts, ............he is also managing to reel people in and get them to anticipate his new album more cos they probably have a rough idea of what the material will relate to, thus feeling more connected to the music and a part of the creative process!!

Life-style Lesson:
OK so the lesson i'm learning form this whole thing is that all media and waves of communication can be used to benefit you. If you unsure of something put it out there and see what the universe via twitter has to say....... what's the worst that could happen???? I twitter and most of the time i say absolutely nothing that will make me money......... anyhu it's just a thought so atke it as you will.

The only thing i wana know is if people think this kind of stuff is good or bad for the public??

Personal view:
I think he's a genius for finding a way to broaden the amount of creative input he gets, so that his album makes sense to more people than it otherwise would. And quite frankly it can do no harm so WTF...... let it be!

My point is if you twitter at least do it with a purpose, not just for sake of it!!! Diddy, luda the lot of them all make money off this ish........... if you wana have that celeb-lifefyle i suggest you look a little depper and follow the money making initatives they exhibit rather than simply payin attention to the butt........ i mean shoes they be wearin!! ;o)

Cherie Amour

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Life-style Lessons, Celeb-style by Cherie Amour is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at lifestylelessonscelebstyle.blogspot.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at cherieamour187@gmail.com.