OK is it me or are celebrities literally taking over the WORLD!!! Alright maybe that is a slight exaggeration but it is at least true in regards to the entertainment industry. So yea, your a music artist but why o why does this give you an automatic pass to be an actor???? I get it, there kina closely linked and maybe some artists are better at acting than making music, ....... or at least some of them are as GOOD at it. However I don't think i'm stating the OBVIOUS when i say that some of the artists jumping on the acting bandwagon OBVIOUSLY CAN NOT ACT!!! and really should not try! I say i'm not stating the obvious because clearly someone missed the memo!!!
Here's a short list of my problems with this whole thing:
1 - Some of them are WACK and the movie industry is suffering as a result..... which also has a detrimental effect on my wallet. If I PAID to go see a movie that was incredibly DOWNGRADED and............ in actuality RUINED by your presence........... you wasted my money........ u single handedly took the piss out of my life by messin wid a poor person in a RECESSION!!! which is unquestionalby a PROBLEM!
2 - If your an artist and your successful, don't you fink its selfish of you to take a role that some other poor sod, who probably when to acting school for 3 years and had to take countless humiliating roles just to get a foot-in-the -door, could have gotten!
3- I may like you as an artist but it doesn't mean i wana see your face all the fuckin time!!! (it's emotional !) I see on on MTV, then abc on an advert or something, i walk out ma house and your on a billboard, then........... i sit down with a bag of popcorn, some butter and a few packets of sugar i plan to dash all over that popcorn, just for good measure........ i take a deep breath, relax ma whole body................look up at the screen and.............. BOOM there you are AGAIN! seriously need i say more........... no!!! just no!!!! it is not OK for you to be the only thing shoved in peoples faces 24 hours a day.
4- Just to mention something i think some celebs are missing!!!............ there is such a thing as OVEREXPOSURE!!!! and its NOT a good thing!
This all comes from this whole thing about Rhianna being rumoured to be in "The Bodyguard" and "Charlies Angels." ..................... OK i've actually run out of things to say at this point......... the only thing i can think of is ...............WHY???? Meanwhile Beyonce hasn't stopped making movies since that whole jennifer hudson, oscar thing happened.......... (I haven't seen any of her movies, so i refrain from casting judgement, plus she deserves respect, at a minimum, merely because she manages to keep out of every kind of "drama" and keeps her private life private!) Anyway......
They all go yea its a natural progression..... but uh, actually its not! the proof is in the pudding i can name quite a few artists that have gone into acting and clearly NOT had a clue what the word ACT actually means............... just so your know...... acting does not typically include totally being yourself, with no display of different emotions and simply being in front of a camera ............. that is actually just another form of self indulgent reality TV!
Is it just me or is it totally wrong for these handful of celebs to be trying to take over the whole industry????????
I think that in this instance its the celebrities that could learn a lesson......... if you can ACT don't act! It's better to just be remembered as a really good artist rather than ......... "the artist that tried to be an actor then failed and had to go back to being an artist!! (all the money you made from the movies will probably go towards reversing the psychological trauma.............. via intensive therapy!! which = a total waste of time!)
Here's a short list of my problems with this whole thing:
1 - Some of them are WACK and the movie industry is suffering as a result..... which also has a detrimental effect on my wallet. If I PAID to go see a movie that was incredibly DOWNGRADED and............ in actuality RUINED by your presence........... you wasted my money........ u single handedly took the piss out of my life by messin wid a poor person in a RECESSION!!! which is unquestionalby a PROBLEM!
2 - If your an artist and your successful, don't you fink its selfish of you to take a role that some other poor sod, who probably when to acting school for 3 years and had to take countless humiliating roles just to get a foot-in-the -door, could have gotten!
3- I may like you as an artist but it doesn't mean i wana see your face all the fuckin time!!! (it's emotional !) I see on on MTV, then abc on an advert or something, i walk out ma house and your on a billboard, then........... i sit down with a bag of popcorn, some butter and a few packets of sugar i plan to dash all over that popcorn, just for good measure........ i take a deep breath, relax ma whole body................look up at the screen and.............. BOOM there you are AGAIN! seriously need i say more........... no!!! just no!!!! it is not OK for you to be the only thing shoved in peoples faces 24 hours a day.
4- Just to mention something i think some celebs are missing!!!............ there is such a thing as OVEREXPOSURE!!!! and its NOT a good thing!
This all comes from this whole thing about Rhianna being rumoured to be in "The Bodyguard" and "Charlies Angels." ..................... OK i've actually run out of things to say at this point......... the only thing i can think of is ...............WHY???? Meanwhile Beyonce hasn't stopped making movies since that whole jennifer hudson, oscar thing happened.......... (I haven't seen any of her movies, so i refrain from casting judgement, plus she deserves respect, at a minimum, merely because she manages to keep out of every kind of "drama" and keeps her private life private!) Anyway......
They all go yea its a natural progression..... but uh, actually its not! the proof is in the pudding i can name quite a few artists that have gone into acting and clearly NOT had a clue what the word ACT actually means............... just so your know...... acting does not typically include totally being yourself, with no display of different emotions and simply being in front of a camera ............. that is actually just another form of self indulgent reality TV!
Is it just me or is it totally wrong for these handful of celebs to be trying to take over the whole industry????????
I think that in this instance its the celebrities that could learn a lesson......... if you can ACT don't act! It's better to just be remembered as a really good artist rather than ......... "the artist that tried to be an actor then failed and had to go back to being an artist!! (all the money you made from the movies will probably go towards reversing the psychological trauma.............. via intensive therapy!! which = a total waste of time!)
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